How we help / Family life / Parenting / Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse support

You are not alone. We are here for you. 

In all of our centres we have staff members trained to support domestic abuse victims.

We are here to help and support you on your journey. 

If you recognise what you have been experiencing as domestic abuse, please get in touch. You can find support local to you through our online map. 

Please read more information below about different forms of abuse. 

Types of domestic abuse 


Psychological abuse can include violence or the threat of violence to make their victim fear them. This type of abuse can come in the form of: humiliation and embarrassment, control of what they can and cannot do and social isolation from friends and family members.


Emotional abuse is the cause of someone feeling a lack of self-respect or self-worth and can be constant, unrelenting insults and criticisms that are intended to humiliate the victim. This type of abuse is often connected with other forms of domestic abuse to gain control over the victim and emotional 'scars' can often be as harmful.


Physical abuse involves causing harm and injury to a victim, and in extreme cases, it can result in disabling or even death. To classify physical abuse or violence, an injury does not have to be major or require medical treatment. 


Economic abuse refers to behaviour that has an effect on how the victim has the freedom to use and acquire money. These behaviours can include an attempt to control through restriction, exploitation and/or sabotage. Lack of access to resources can result in making a victim becoming dependent upon the perpetrator, limiting their ability to escape. 


Sexual abuse involves a perpetrator physically sexually assaulting a victim, including degrading and humiliating behaviour.


Coercive behaviour is any act designed to force of coerce another into doing something against their will. 


Stalking involves a person becoming fixated or obsessed with another. It has a pattern of persistent and unwanted attention that makes you feel frightened, anxious or harassed. 


Harassment is when a person behaves in a way that intends to cause distress or alarm another.


Spiritual/Faith abuse in the context of domestic abuse, occurs when a victim is prevented from carrying out their religious or spiritual practices or are forced to engage in activities that are in conflict with their beliefs.


Honour-based violence is a crime which may have been committed to protect or defend the perceived honour of the family and/or community, or in response to individuals trying to break away from constraining ‘norms’ of behaviour that their family or community is trying to impose

Need support right now? 

Here is a comprehensive list of organisations including those with 24-hour helplines. 

Further support available: